Draagteken van de Zionistische Studentenbeweging, ca. 1950.

Zionist Youth Movement badge, c. 1950's
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Draagteken van de Zionistische Studentenbeweging.'United Movement' met de voorstelling van korenaren tegen de achtergrond van een Davidsster, waaronder de Hebreeuwse tekst: 'Aleh ve-Hagshem'. (Letterlijk: 'sta op en vervul', figuurllijk: 'Emigreer naar Israel en vervul de terugkeer naar Zion'). Witmetaal, afmeting 25 x 25 mm. Datering ca. 1950. (Verkocht)

Zionist Youth Movement badge, c. 1950's. Known formally as the "General Movement of the Learning Pioneering-Youth in Eretz Israel" and founded in 1945 from breakaway elements of the Gordonia-Young Macabbi and "Rising Camps" movements; grew substantially in the 1950s, merging with the "Bonim" movement in 1954 and then with the "Union of Working Youth" (the "blue-shirts", whose most famous member was Shimon Peres z"l) to form the "Union of Working and Learning Youth". Pin's motto: "Rise and Fulfill". (sold)

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2021 Haffmans Antiek